6 amazing outdoor projects debuting in 2017

MEC Outdoor Nation 

Q: Where do great outdoor ideas come from?
A: The next generation of outdoor lovers.

This year, MEC Outdoor Nation – a program to inspire, engage and connect young Canadians to get active outdoors – hosted 143 people at two unforgettable weekends in Toronto and Montreal. Dubbed the Think Outside Summits, these weekends were about developing new ideas about how to get the next generation outside...

LINK: https://www.mec.ca/en/article/coming-soon-6-amazing-outdoor-projects

Move | AcroYoga with Anya

MOVE with Acroyoga

Play/plā/: To engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. 

When was the last time you went out to play? We met with Anya, an AcroYoga and movement coach (and costume designer, by day) who brought playing back into our lives at Trinity Bellwoods...

LINK: http://unlikelyco.com/home/move/acroyoga